Our Fees

Woodfords has a strong reputation for providing a high-quality, cost-effective service. Our hourly rates vary from £185 per hour for a trainee solicitor to £350 an hour for a partner, and wherever possible, and if preferred, we can offer fixed fees.

We do not accept or pay referral fees and never have. Our objective is to look after the interest of you, as our client, and not those of a third party.

Free consultation

93% of our clients are recommended to us. As a thank you we offer a 30-minute free consultation on new matters to all our existing clients or new clients recommended to us by one of our existing clients.

Fixed fees areas

We can offer fixed fees in the following areas:

Family law

  • Initial Consultation (up to 45 minutes) £150 plus VAT
  • Divorce Petition (Uncontested) acting for the petitioner £1,250 plus VAT plus court fee
  • Divorce Petition (Uncontested) acting for the respondent £1,000 plus VAT
  • Pre and Post-nuptial Agreements with advice £1,000 – £2,500 plus VAT
  • Financial Consent Order (Unbundled Service) £1,000 plus VAT

Residential property

Woodfords sits in a wealthy area of London where our clients expect an excellent and personal service. For this reason we allocate you a specialist solicitor at the outset. They will deal with your matter from start to finish, providing you with continuity and the highest quality, bespoke advice.

All of our staff work at our office in Fulham Broadway. They do not work remotely or in satellite offices outside of London. This means that if you need advice in different areas of law that are ancillary to your matter, we have the legal expertise you need at hand, including in property litigation and tax.

Our average fees to represent you in the purchase or sale of a property are £1,900 plus VAT.

For a detailed quote, please use the tab below. Please note that if you wish to use a specific solicitor this quote may vary.

Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney

The will-making process differs depending on your circumstances and requirements.

If at this stage you are not entirely sure what terms you wish to implement, it may be helpful to complete a Will Questionnaire.

This questionnaire will help you prepare your will, allowing you to clearly express your wishes and helping to reduce any unnecessary tax liability.

You may then find you wish to supplement your replies by talking to us over the telephone or at the office before the will is drafted.

If you would prefer not to answer this questionnaire but rather to discuss matters with a solicitor at our office, you are more than welcome to do so.

Our fee for preparing a will is £495 plus VAT for a single will or £595 plus VAT for two wills for a married couple or those living as partners.

Signing of documents

If you would like us to sign documentation, and in certain cases advise in respect of those documents, our standard fees are set out below. Please bring your ID, including a picture ID, such as a passport or driving licence.

  • Swear fees – no appointment necessary Solicitors have a statutory obligation to sign Affidavit and Statutory Declarations. We charge £5 and £2 for exhibit (cash payments only accepted). If you wish to pay by cheque or BACs then we would need to open up a file and carry out all our due diligence requirements. The minimum fee that we charge for opening a file is £150 plus VAT.
  • Certified copies – no appointment necessary For certifying photocopies of original documents we charge £5 per signature for existing clients, or if you are not an existing client of Woodfords, £30 for the first signature and £5 for every signature thereafter. Please bring the original document that you require us to certify. If we are required to complete supporting documentation relating to the certification there is an additional fee of £75 plus VAT (£90).
  • Advice relating to other documentation Please book an appointment and bring two forms of ID. If you are unsure of what type of documentation you require us to sign or advise you on, please email it to reception@woodfords.co.uk and we can provide you with a fixed fee quote.
    • advice relating to a legal charge – £400 plus VAT
    • guarantee agreements – £450 – £1,500 plus VAT
    • loan agreement (and advising in respect of a loan agreement) – £350 plus VAT
    • witnessing a mortgage deed – £350 plus VAT
    • verification for mortgage – £350 plus VAT
    • Land Registry – Certificate Identity for Private Individual (ID1) – £125 plus VAT
    • postponement of occupational rights – £350 plus VAT
    • advice in relation to matrimonial loan – £400 plus VAT